Buffalo Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America
Provides educational and character-building programs for boys and yound adults, and now girls. Training and citizenshop, personal fitness, meaningful skills, and responsibility are key performance goals and scholarships for camps are also offere
610 Scurry St Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432) 570-7601, www.buffalotrailsbsa.org
Casa of West Texas
CASA recruites, supports, and promotes volunteers who speak for the best interests of foster children in court. They serve as liaison for the school and teachers as well as making sure doctor and dentist appointments are mad and attended along with numerous other responsibilities
1811 Scurry St Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432)263-4162, www.casawtx.org
Chapter 47 Disabled American Veterans
Dedicated to the single purpose of empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of American's injured and heroes on capital hill; education the public abou the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.
2204 Runnels St Big Spring, Tx 79720, echomike70@outlook.com
Don't Litter Affordable Spay and Neuter Clinic
Their goal is to make spay and neuter services accessible to any member of the community, provide affordable spay and neuters to community cat colonies (feral). Assist seniors and veterans needing services who are on limited incomes, and provide low costs shot clinics several times throughout the year.
600B East 3rd St Big Spring, Tx 79720, affordableclinic@outlook.com, clarinet-algae-pw3x.squarespace.com
Journey Home Refuge Center
Provides safe shelter for those who may be experiencing holelessness for any reason. Encourage our clients in the foundational truths for life found in the bible through bible studies and pastoral counseling
P.O. Box 2182 Big Spring, Tx 79721, (432)517-4159
Emergency Service Chaplains
On call 24/7 for law enforcement, fire department, as well as city and county agencies, for any person in need of help, clothing, counsel, and lodging on an emergency basis; also offer counsel for all first responders as needed
eschaplain@howardcount.gov, (432) 264-2244
Head Start Readiness Academy
Provides a positive learning experience in a safe environment for families. Head Start is for 3-5 years, Early Start 6-35 weeks and a Pregnant Mom program. All services, meals, diapers, formul are offered free of charge or on a sliding scale based on income. Head Start also offers family classes.
108 Northwest 9th St Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432) 267-7452, eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov
Howard County Children's Advocacy Center
CAC conducts forensic interviews for children that are victims of crime or witness to crime in the home. They also offer child counseling as well as family counseling
1608 W FM 700, Suite D Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432) 682-7273, www.mrccac.org
Salvation Army
Provides meals and lodging, maintains the food pantry and helps with rent and utilities. Other services include offering substance abuse counseling and faith-based counseling, and organizaing the Angel Trees for children and elderly at Christmas.
811 W 5th St Big Spring, Tx 79720 (432)267-8239, www.southernusa.salvationarmy.org
Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club
Offers children's recreation and education programs, physical fitness, after school care and summer day camp and community youth who qualify for the programs.
811 W 5th St Big Spring, Tx 79720 (432)267-8239, www.southernusa.salvationarmy.org
Spring of Siloam Christian Job Corp
Provides women and men with necessary skills, education and self-confidence to gain employment and improve their lives
1208 Frazier St Big Spring, Tx 79720 (432)517-4627
Victim Services
Provides immediate after crisis support for victims or rape and sexual assault. Promotes self-help for adults and adolscents in group sessions. Offers self-protection awareness programs. Funds SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner) program to ensure promptness and privacy for victims
2606 W 13th St Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432)263-3312, www.vsob.org
West Texas Mediation Center
Provides conflict management for at risk youths, adults and families that have been court-ordered or referred to service by assisting with courts, school districts, students, parents and state agencies.
501 Runnels Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432) 517-4200, www.wtxcmc.org
YMCA of Big Spring
Offeres childcare scholarships for families. Mentors children with homework, social behaviors, physical fitness and well-being, special events and educational programs as well as scholarships for youth sports.
801 Owens St Big Spring, Tx 79720, (432) 267-8234, www.bigspringymca.org